How can coaching help me?


If you’d stumbled across this blog post and my website, I assume you may be on the search for a nutritionist/dietitian/health coach to support you with your health goals. I’m also assuming you’ve been to other health professionals pages and are trying to decipher which practitioner/style is the best fit for you and your needs. It can be all very overwhelming as the internet is inundated with people in the wellness industry, trying to sell their product or tell you why their coaching services are for you. I hear you! Yes, we (as a wellness professional myself) are trying to sell our products and services as it’s a means of income, but more importantly to help others achieve their goals while fulfilling our entrepreneur dreams.


Before I start offering you my services, through my blog posts I want to give you insight about me, my background, what kind of coaching approach I take, with the intention of building rapport with you. I want to build a relationship first, so you can know, like and trust me. That’s fair, isn’t it? I mean, I wouldn’t want to purchase products or services from someone that I wasn’t quite sure was a good fit for me and my goals. If you’re investing in yourself, you want to be confident you’ll get the results you want.

So let’s talk about coaching. What exactly is it and how can it help me? Coaching is where both the coach (me) and the client (you) form a partnership, to help you achieve your goals. This may be different than past experiences you may have had with a dietitian/nutritionist. You may have met to discuss healthy eating for weight loss or blood sugar management. You may have been told, eat this, not that. Or perhaps you were given a list of good and bad foods, or even a meal plan. These methods may have worked in the past, but as we know, behavior change rarely lasts when we’re tired of following a plan, diet or restrict our eating. And especcially when it’s not our own idea or motivation.

Progress is made when the client (you) brings your own goals and ideas to our sessions, rather than me giving goals or telling you what you should be doing. Doesn’t that sound much more satisfying and rewarding? We can work together to discuss how realistic the goals/action steps are and explore any barriers that may get in the way. This is to help you feel confident, as we end our session, that you are ready to take maybe one or two small steps forward in working on the behavior change that you want. My aim is for you to come back to our next session with a sense of progress, rather than perfection or failure.

Behavior change takes time. No matter if it’s related to balanced eating, exercise, stress management/self-care, condition management, etc. There’s going to be wins, challenges, barriers, unexpected events that arise. This is life. Creating the awareness and space to help you achieve your health and well-being goals, is what I’m here to help you do. This is why I do not offer a one-session package. At minimum, I offer three sessions and will discuss further in another post. 😉

Don’t get me wrong, I will certainly help you figure out meal ideas, provide nutrition education, explore ways to add in exercise to your busy week or suggest self-care strategies. We will work together, as partners, to come up with a solution. You’ll have my full attention throughout each coaching session, because you deserve it.

I hope this clarifies what coaching is (and isn’t) and how it can help you. I’ve been doing this for long enough to know you want real answers before signing up for any programs and investing your time and money.

Send me a message if you do have any questions at all, I would be more than happy to answer 🙂

Until next time, Be Well!

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