How to Stay on Track During the Holidays

stay on track

Here we are, right in the middle of the holiday season. How are you feeling? Perhaps excited, overwhelmed, joyful, sad, neutral, calm. It’s natural to have all of the emotions during this time of year. With all the extra holiday treats, gatherings and shopping, our normal routine may also feel off track. We may feel like we’re having to check off our to-do list at a much faster rate than other times of the year. I hear you. 

How can we feel like we’re staying on track with our wellness goals and own routines during this time? Incorporate Me Time. If you participated in my wellness challenge leading up to Thanksgiving, we focused on Me Time for one whole week. This is such an important factor in our holiday happiness and well-being. Taking time to focus on yourself, whether it be to read or watch a movie, get a massage or pedicure, go for a hike, walk, get on your yoga mat, grocery shop and cook your favorite soup you’ve been wanting to, or get to bed earlier, you are planning to take action for yourself while you’re also giving and doing for others. 

stay on track

If you find a certain part of your routine feeling off, such as exercise, add it back on your calendar. Even if it may be not your typical 45-60 minute workout, 20-30 minutes is just as good! You are taking care of you. If you’re finding yourself ordering take-out the nights you’re not going to holiday events, make some time to get to the store to have some healthy and balanced options at home. Think about it as a gift to yourself. You are gifting yourself the time and energy to think about your needs. You are giving yourself much needed Me Time. 


You always have a choice, a decision, on how you want to spend your free time, feed and move your body and let it rest. During this time of year we may forget or get swept up with all the festivities. Ask yourself,  “Will getting caught up in the busy-ness of the season set me up for success after the holidays? What do I want my routine to look like in January? How do I want my body and mind to feel, right now?”

If you ARE taking Me Time and thinking about your own needs during this time, I applaud you! It’s certainly not always easy. If you’re feeling like Me Time is exactly what’s needed right now, I applaud you for being aware! Taking action for Me Time, in just one area in your lifestyle, will be what keeps you on track during the holidays.  

me time

If you’re looking for more ways to stay on track during this season and continue this conversation into the new year, let me know! Happy Holidays to you all!

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